1935 Posters
"Staff determines everything", I.V. Stalin by Klutsis G. G.
All world records should be ours by Govorkov V. I.
All-Union Student Sports Day by Nemuhin A.
Chapaev by Belskiy A. P.
Long live to our happy Socialist Motherland! by Klutsis G. G.
Long live to the Red Army consisted of workers and farmers — a faithful guard of the Soviet borders! by Klutsis G. G.
Soviet athletes is the pride of our country by Koretskiy V. B.
The Plump Girl by Pimenov G. I.
The whole world will be ours! by Zavyalov Y.
Women at the kolkhozes are great power by Svarog V. S.
Yes to Moscow Metro! by Deni V. N., Dolgorukov N. A.